StackGres 1.11: Scoped namespaces operation
StackGres is an Open Source operator for running production-ready Postgres on Kubernetes.

StackGres is an Open Source operator for running production-ready Postgres on Kubernetes.
StackGres is an Open Source operator for running production-ready Postgres on Kubernetes.
StackGres is an Open Source operator for running production-ready Postgres on Kubernetes.
In this how-to guide, we'll walk you through the whole process of setting up Metis on a Kubernetes cluster using StackGres.
As an open-source MongoDB alternative, FerretDB translates MongoDB wire protocols to SQL using a PostgreSQL backend. And by using the StackGres operator, you can easily deploy and manage PostgreSQL instances, as well as access all the management features you need.
Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. See how to self-host Supabase on Kubernetes powered by StackGres that provides production-grade PostgreSQL
Babelfish is a SQL Server compatibility layer for Postgres. See how to run Babelfish on Kubernetes very easily: one command and 15 lines of YAML.
StackGres is an Open Source operator for running production-ready Postgres on Kubernetes. With more than 120 Postgres extensions available!