Running Supabase on Top of StackGres
Supabase With StackGres
Supabase is all about providing a flexible, scalable, and reliable backend platform for your product. Besides using the hosted platform, you probably know that you can also self-host Supabase. Doing so provides the maximum flexibility. But as always, with great power comes great responsibility, and you do want to make sure that the underlying databases are reliable and managed in a production-grade way, to keep your users' data available and safe. So, you do want to manage your PostgreSQL instances well, especially in containerized environments such as Kubernetes.
One of the best ways to manage and deploy PostgreSQL instances in a Kubernetes environment is to use the StackGres operator. StackGres provides all features and management options required for running PostgreSQL in production, and on top of that it ships with sensible default options. Think of StackGres as the Kubernetes version of your friendly DBA – just with a Kubernetes API, much faster response time, and fewer coffee breaks 🙂
This blog post will show you how to self-host Supabase in your Kubernetes cluster, using StackGres as PostgreSQL operator.
The Setup
In this post, we assume that you already have a Kubernetes cluster available, configured for your kubectl
, and that you have a Unix-style shell with helm
, git
, npm
, and npx
(for the getting-started web app) installed.
We will install StackGres into your cluster, create a StackGres PostgreSQL cluster, install Supabase with our database configured, and create an example Hello World web app to test the whole setup.
You can find the example resources in the apps-on-stackgres GitHub repository.
Installing StackGres
One of the easiest ways to install StackGres is to use the official Helm chart. You can find exhaustive versions of installation guides in the official docs.
For our setup, we execute the following Helm commands:
helm repo add stackgres-charts https://stackgres.io/downloads/stackgres-k8s/stackgres/helm/
helm install --create-namespace --namespace stackgres stackgres-operator stackgres-charts/stackgres-operator
For more configuration options, such as configuring cluster monitoring, have a look at the official docs.
In order to wait for the setup and to verify that the operator is running, execute the following commands:
kubectl wait -n stackgres deployment -l group=stackgres.io --for=condition=Available
kubectl get pods -n stackgres -l group=stackgres.io
The first kubectl
waits for the successful deployment, and the second should list the following running pods in your stackgres
stackgres-operator-78d57d4f55-pm8r2 1/1 Running 0 3m34s
stackgres-restapi-6ffd694fd5-hcpgp 2/2 Running 0 3m30s
Great, now we already managed the first step and installed StackGres. Let’s deploy a PostgreSQL cluster.
Creating a StackGres Cluster
Now we will create a StackGres cluster (Kubernetes custom resource name SGCluster
) with a configuration that fits Supabase’s requirements.
The following files are taken from the apps-on-stackgres GitHub repository.
In order to define a StackGres cluster, we create the following resource of type SGCluster
# file cluster.yaml
apiVersion: stackgres.io/v1
kind: SGCluster
name: supabase-db
instances: 2
size: '5Gi'
sgPoolingConfig: supabase-db
version: '14'
- name: pgsodium
- name: pg_graphql
- name: pg_stat_statements
- name: pgcrypto
- name: pgjwt
- name: uuid-ossp
- sgScript: supabase-initdb
You can copy this file from the GitHub repository.
This creates a cluster named supabase-db
with some additional configuration:
We’ll create a cluster with 2 instances, Postgres 14
, and a few extensions that are required by Supabase.
We’re also referencing a custom script and pooling config.
The latter is required by how Supabase connects to our database – via PgBouncer.
We also create a file for the pooling config (type SGPoolingConfig
# file poolconfig.yaml
apiVersion: stackgres.io/v1
kind: SGPoolingConfig
name: supabase-db
ignore_startup_parameters: extra_float_digits,search_path
And we create another file for the custom init script (type SGScript
This definition is a bit more complex and it includes the initialization scripts that set up the Supabase schemas, as well as a small workaround that is required (as of StackGres 1.4.2
) to not make the PgBouncer authenticator
role collide with what Supabase will create:
# file script.yaml
apiVersion: stackgres.io/v1
kind: SGScript
name: supabase-initdb
- name: 00-reset-auth
script: |
drop role authenticator;
- name: 01-initial-schema
script: |
-- Set up realtime
create schema if not exists realtime;
- name: 02-auth-schema
script: |
- name: 03-storage-schema
script: |
- name: 04-post-setup
script: |
ALTER ROLE postgres SET search_path TO "\$user",public,extensions;
- name: 05-reset-auth
script: |
alter role authenticator INHERIT;
alter role authenticator SUPERUSER;
We omitted the full scripts for readability. You can find the full version here. The SQL scripts are based on the (unofficial) Supabase Helm chart.
In order to create the StackGres cluster, we need to create these three resources:
kubectl apply -f poolconfig.yaml
kubectl apply -f script.yaml
kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml
We can then check the status of the running Postgres pods:
$ kubectl get pods
supabase-db-0 6/6 Running 0 82s
supabase-db-1 6/6 Running 0 36s
And we can double-check the status of our cluster with the details:
kubectl describe sgcluster supabase-db
Now we have a running PostgreSQL cluster, to which we could already connect from our applications.
You can also connect to the web-based admin UI and see your cluster there, as shown in the documentation.
But for now, we continue with the installation of Supabase.
Installing Supabase
We use the unofficial Supabase Helm chart for creating the Kubernetes resources. We will need to make some small adjustments, so the easiest is to clone the repository and edit the provided values:
git clone https://github.com/supabase-community/supabase-kubernetes
cd supabase-kubernetes/charts/supabase
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ongres/apps-on-stackgres/main/examples/supabase/values.stackgres.yaml -O values.stackgres.yaml
We edit the contents of our values.stackgres.yaml
, to disable the database creation (since we use our own), to change the db host names, and URLs of the Supabase API and Studio.
For a first test, it’s sufficient to use a local port forwarding, so our example uses localhost
addresses instead of Kubernetes ingress resources.
You need to change this depending on your Kubernetes cluster and cloud setup, for example using Kubernetes ingresses with your correct host name, or exposing the demo-supabase-kong
and demo-supabase-studio
service in any other way.
You can find the full contents of our example values.stackgres.yaml
Before we can install the Supabase Helm chart, we also need to set up some secrets with the Supabase auth keys, and also our StackGres cluster credentials.
For this, we first find out the superuser password of our created StackGres cluster:
kubectl get secret supabase-db --template '{{ printf "%s" (index .data "superuser-password" | base64decode) }}'
This is the password to connect to PostgreSQL as the postgres
We use this password along the default Supabase credentials to create the secrets:
# creates JWT secret
kubectl -n default create secret generic demo-supabase-jwt \
--from-literal=anonKey='eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICAgInJvbGUiOiAiYW5vbiIsCiAgICAiaXNzIjogInN1cGFiYXNlIiwKICAgICJpYXQiOiAxNjc1NDAwNDAwLAogICAgImV4cCI6IDE4MzMxNjY4MDAKfQ.ztuiBzjaVoFHmoljUXWmnuDN6QU2WgJICeqwyzyZO88' \
--from-literal=serviceKey='eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICAgInJvbGUiOiAic2VydmljZV9yb2xlIiwKICAgICJpc3MiOiAic3VwYWJhc2UiLAogICAgImlhdCI6IDE2NzU0MDA0MDAsCiAgICAiZXhwIjogMTgzMzE2NjgwMAp9.qNsmXzz4tG7eqJPh1Y58DbtIlJBauwpqx39UF-MwM8k' \
# creates SMTP secret
kubectl -n default create secret generic demo-supabase-smtp \
--from-literal=username='your-mail@example.com' \
# creates DB secret
kubectl -n default create secret generic demo-supabase-db \
--from-literal=username='postgres' \
Then, we can install the Supabase Helm chart:
helm install demo -f values.stackgres.yaml .
After the resources have been created, we can watch the status of the Supabase pods:
$ kubectl get pods --watch
demo-supabase-auth-6b8c448b6b-njsh6 1/1 Running 0 2m
demo-supabase-kong-7c5bdfc9bf-cfb5q 1/1 Running 0 2m
demo-supabase-meta-54d7b47b89-sdzcb 1/1 Running 0 2m
demo-supabase-realtime-6c4dc64668-cxxfd 1/1 Running 0 2m
demo-supabase-rest-794594bb5f-tz4bh 1/1 Running 0 2m
demo-supabase-storage-6c766bb9cc-r8psb 1/1 Running 0 2m
demo-supabase-studio-59c86bd59b-k4p5w 1/1 Running 0 2m
supabase-db-0 6/6 Running 0 3m
supabase-db-1 6/6 Running 0 2m
The Supabase Helm chart makes use of Alpine-based Docker images, e.g.
. On some systems, this led to problems caused by issues with DNS, that might lead to an error such asWaiting for database to start... supabase-db.default.svc.cluster.local:5432 - no response
. If that happens to you, you’ll need to change the base images in the Supabase Helm chart.
In order to test the setup, we create a local port forwarding to the Supabase API and Studio:
kubectl port-forward svc/demo-supabase-studio 3000
# in a new terminal window
kubectl port-forward svc/demo-supabase-kong 8000
Navigating the browser to http://localhost:3000/project/default/ should now show you the default Supabase project.
Congratulations! You’re now running Supabase on top of a production-ready Postgres cluster.
Creating a Supabase Hello World
For a quick test, we can use on of the Supabase quickstarts, for example the React quickstart.
We will go through this quickstart in the following.
At first, we can create a table in our Postgres database, that we now could access via any StackGres utility, or the Supabase SQL Editor. In the Supabase dashboard, you can select the default project and go to the SQL Editor
You can execute the following SQL to create a table countries
with some data:
-- Create the table
CREATE TABLE countries (
-- Insert some sample data into the table
INSERT INTO countries (name) VALUES ('United States');
INSERT INTO countries (name) VALUES ('Canada');
INSERT INTO countries (name) VALUES ('Mexico');
Then, you can create the React example using the npm
and npx
command line tools:
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app && npm install @supabase/supabase-js
This creates a new application under my-app
and installs the supabase-js
You can change the JS file under src/index.js
to the following JavaScript:
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
// create client with API URL & public anon key
const supabase = createClient('http://localhost:8000/', 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICAgInJvbGUiOiAiYW5vbiIsCiAgICAiaXNzIjogInN1cGFiYXNlIiwKICAgICJpYXQiOiAxNjc1NDAwNDAwLAogICAgImV4cCI6IDE4MzMxNjY4MDAKfQ.ztuiBzjaVoFHmoljUXWmnuDN6QU2WgJICeqwyzyZO88')
async function getCountries() {
const countries = await supabase.from('countries').select()
As you can see, we’re using the Supabase URL that for now uses the locally-forwarded port, and the public anon key with which we’ve created the secret before.
You can start the app with npm start
, which will choose a port that isn’t used locally – for us that will be 3001
– and which will make our app available under http://localhost:3001.
If you open the browser’s console, you can see the output with the three countries.
You can also add some code to add a new country, for example by appending the following code to your index.js
async function addCountry(country) {
await supabase.from('countries')
Saving the JS file will refresh the page and show the updated list of four countries.
To double-check, we can of course also log into our Postgres database and query all countries by using the StackGres utilities:
kubectl exec -ti "$(kubectl get pod --selector app=StackGresCluster,stackgres.io/cluster=true,role=master -o name)" -c postgres-util -- psql -c 'select * from countries'
id | name
1 | United States
2 | Canada
3 | Mexico
4 | Colombia
(4 rows)
To clean up the created Supabase resources and the StackGres cluster, we issue the following:
helm uninstall demo
kubectl delete secret demo-supabase-db
kubectl delete secret demo-supabase-jwt
kubectl delete secret demo-supabase-smtp
kubectl delete sgcluster supabase-db
kubectl delete sgscript supabase-initdb
kubectl delete sgpoolconfig supabase-db
To also uninstall the StackGres operator, execute:
helm uninstall stackgres-operator