StackGres 1.11: Scoped namespaces operation

StackGres 1.11: Scoped namespaces operation

In this post we will talk about StackGres 1.11.0 – a release with better security with scoped namespace operation functionality! Let’s dive into the highlights.


  • Scoped namespaces, now you can also specify the list of namespaces where the operator will be able to work with.
  • New and updated images including minor versions across the board.
  • Support for Kubernetes 1.30.

You can find the full changelog for this version in our GitLab release page.

What’s new?

Scoped namespaces operation

StackGres now allows to specify a list of namespaces where the operator will be able to work with and improve the security by limiting where StackGres can act. It also offers the ability to disable ClusterRoles for the operator completely (with limitations in functionalities). With the exception of a ClusterRole for the Web Console / REST API if you want to still enable it.

This feature also allows Operator scoping with OperatorGroups when used with OperatorHub (OLM). Read more about this here:

To configure this using Helm set:

  • allowedNamespaces or allowedNamespaceLabelSelector for namespace scoping.
  • disableClusterRole to disable ClusterRoles
    • allowImpersonationForRestApi to enable just ClusterRole to allow the REST API to continue functioning.

Example install with three namespaces (default, dev, prod):

helm install --create-namespace --namespace stackgres \
  --set allowedNamespaces[0]=default \
  --set allowedNamespaces[1]=dev \
  --set allowedNamespaces[2]=prod \
  stackgres-operator stackgres-charts/stackgres-operator \
  --version 1.11.0

This restriction on the namespaces handling provides more security and is based on label selection on the namespaces.

Latest PostgreSQL Versions Supported

We added PostgreSQL 16.3, 15.7, 14.12, 13.15, and 12.19 minor releases to ensure you have access to the most recent features and bug fixes while maintaining a reliable database environment.

PostgreSQL minior versions

PostgreSQL 12 will stop receiving fixes on November 14, 2024. If you are running PostgreSQL 12 in a production environment, we suggest that you make plans to upgrade to a newer, supported version of PostgreSQL.

Updated packages

Many binaries and packages are updated improving the security and stability of the platform like wal-g 3.0.1, pg_activity 3.5.1, usql 0.19.2, and others.

Support for Kubernetes 1.30

Now StackGres can also be installed on Kubernetes 1.30, and we offer community support on this version.

Kubernetes 1.30

Ready to Experience this new release?

We strongly encourage you to install or upgrade and explore the power it brings. Don’t wait – install StackGres today.