A cookie is a file or a device that is downloaded into the user's PC or device when entering some websites, in order to store and retrieve information on the terminal. Among other functions, it allows to store and retrieve info on the user's web browsing habits, in order to improve the service.
Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which cookies are sent and treats data, two types can be pointed:
Depending on the amount of time for which the cookies are stored in the client's browser, there are:
Depending on the purpose of the gathered data:
Analysis cookies, for the tracing and statistical analysis of the behaviour of the set of users. This information is anonymous, and it's only needed for statistical purposes.
This cookies policy can be subject to modifications.
The user can give his consent to the usage of cookies or revoke it any time using his browser, through which he can allow, constraint, block or delete the cookies used from our website.
The way of doing this will be different depending on the type of browser used for the navigation. You can find the necessary information for each browser in the following links:
Besides that, the user can also manage the storage of cookies in his browser and their deactivation through tools like:
If the user browses our web without changing the configuration of his browser, it will be implicitly understood that he gives his consent to the usage of the aforementioned cookies.