Instance Profile

An Instance Profile is an abstraction over the resource characteristics of an instance (basically, as of today, CPU “cores” and RAM). StackGres represents such a profile with the CRD SGInstanceProfile. You can think of instance profiles as “t-shirt sizes”, a way to create named t-shirt sizes (such as S, M, L), that you will reference when you create your clusters. It is a way to enforce best practices by using standardized instance sizes.

The SGInstanceProfile is referenced from one or more Postgres clusters.

This is an example config definition:

kind: SGInstanceProfile
  namespace: demo
  name: size-small
  cpu: "4"
  memory: "8Gi"

This definition is created in Kubernetes (e.g. using kubectl apply) and can be inspected (kubectl describe sginstanceprofile size-small) like any other Kubernetes resource.

You may create other instance profiles with other sizes if you wish.

An instance profile enforces resource requests and limits for the container where Patroni and Postgres will set the Pod resource using the cpu and memory values for both requests and limits. It also enforces resource requests for all the other containers under the section .spec.containers and .spec.initContainers. Those sections contain the default values specified by cpu and memory, and can be tuned later depending on the requirements of your particular use case.

StackGres clusters can reference this configuration as follows:

kind: SGCluster
  namespace: demo
  name: cluster
# [...]
  sgInstanceProfile: 'size-small'