
The list below contains details about the metrics enabled by the envoy proxy:

item metric group metric type description
1 envoy_postgres_ingress
errors Counter Number of times the server replied with ERROR message
errors_error Counter Number of times the server replied with ERROR message with ERROR severity
errors_fatal Counter Number of times the server replied with ERROR message with FATAL severity
errors_panic Counter Number of times the server replied with ERROR message with PANIC severity
errors_unknown Counter Number of times the server replied with ERROR message but the decoder could not parse it
messages Counter Total number of messages processed by the filter
messages_backend Counter Total number of backend messages detected by the filter
messages_frontend Counter Number of frontend messages detected by the filter
messages_unknown Counter Number of times the filter successfully decoded a message but did not know what to do with it
sessions Counter Total number of successful logins
sessions_encrypted Counter Number of times the filter detected encrypted sessions
sessions_unencrypted Counter Number of messages indicating unencrypted successful login
statements Counter Total number of SQL statements
statements_delete Counter Number of DELETE statements
statements_insert Counter Number of INSERT statements
statements_select Counter Number of SELECT statements
statements_update Counter Number of UPDATE statements
statements_other Counter Number of statements other than DELETE, INSERT, SELECT or UPDATE
statements_parsed Counter Number of SQL queries parsed successfully
statements_parse_error Counter Number of SQL queries not parsed successfully
transactions Counter Total number of SQL transactions
transactions_commit Counter Number of COMMIT transactions
transactions_rollback Counter Number of ROLLBACK transactions
notices Counter Total number of NOTICE messages
notices_notice Counter Number of NOTICE messages with NOTICE subtype
notices_log Counter Number of NOTICE messages with LOG subtype
notices_warning Counter Number ofr NOTICE messags with WARNING severity
notices_debug Counter Number of NOTICE messages with DEBUG severity
notices_info Counter Number of NOTICE messages with INFO severity
notices_unknown Counter Number of NOTICE messages which could not be recognized

Check the filter documentation page for more details.