You can use the command below to change the password:
kubectl create secret generic -n stackgres stackgres-restapi --dry-run=client -o json \
--from-literal=k8sUsername="$NEW_USER" \
--from-literal=password="$(echo -n "${NEW_USER}${NEW_PASSWORD}"| sha256sum | awk '{ print $1 }' )" > password.patch
kubectl patch secret -n stackgres stackgres-restapi -p "$(cat password.patch)" && rm password.patch
Remember to remove the generated password hint from the secret to avoid security flaws:
kubectl patch secrets --namespace stackgres stackgres-restapi --type json -p '[{"op":"remove","path":"/data/clearPassword"}]'
To clean up the resources created by the demo just run:
kubectl delete --ignore-not-found -f