
Exposing the UI

StackGres publish a Web UI that can be accessed by pointing to port 443 with DNS stackgres-operator.stackgres. It is not recommended to expose this Web UI to public internet without protecting it with some secure access bridge.

You can expose the UI using the command below:

POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace stackgres -l "app=stackgres-restapi" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward ${POD_NAME} --address 8443:9443 --namespace stackgres

Connect to the UI

Connect to https://<your-host>:8443/admin/ and get your UI credentials:

kubectl get secret -n stackgres stackgres-restapi --template '{{ printf "username = %s\n" (.data.k8sUsername | base64decode) }}'
kubectl get secret -n stackgres stackgres-restapi --template '{{ printf "password = %s\n" (.data.clearPassword | base64decode) }}'