
DigitalOcean Kubernetes can control and monitor your Control Plane to make sure you are always able to access and deploy to your cluster. To use it you will need to have the doctl installed and configured, with the appropriate credentials to be able to create a Kuberentes cluster.

To create a cluster, run the following commands, making any necessary adjustment to the variables:

export DO_REGION=nyc1
export DO_NODE_SIZE=s-4vcpu-8gb
export DIGITALOCEAN_CONTEXT=default ## change if needed
export DIGITALOCEAN_PROJECT=stackgres-playground ## change me!
export K8S_CLUSTER_NAME=stackgres ## change me!
export K8S_VERSION=1.19.6
time doctl kubernetes cluster create ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} \
	--region ${DO_REGION} \
	--size ${DO_NODE_SIZE} \
	--count ${K8S_CLUSTER_NODES} \
	--version ${K8S_VERSION}-do.0 \

This process takes around 6 minutes. The output should be similar to:

Notice: Cluster is provisioning, waiting for cluster to be running
Notice: Cluster created, fetching credentials
Notice: Adding cluster credentials to kubeconfig file found in "/home/seba/.kube/config"
Notice: Setting current-context to do-nyc1-stackgres
ID                                      Name         Region    Version         Auto Upgrade    Status     Node Pools
00a86a85-28e8-45f4-a118-e718a1f46609    stackgres    nyc1      1.18.14-do.0    false           running    stackgres-default-pool

Once your cluster is created, you should have your ~/.kube/config populated, being able to run:

kubectl cluster-info

and get an output similar to:

Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at

To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.

To cleanup the kubernetes cluster you may issue following command:

time doctl kubernetes cluster delete ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} \
	--region ${DO_REGION} \