DistributedLogs Upgrade

This procedure can be used to upgrade a SGDistributedLogs after upgrading the StackGres operator to a newer version.

kubectl get sgdistributedlogs.stackgres.io -A --template '
{{- range $item := .items }}
  {{- range $item.status.conditions }}
    {{- if eq .type "PendingRestart" }}
      {{- printf "%s.%s %s=%s\n" $item.metadata.namespace $item.metadata.name .type .status }}
    {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}'

The upgrade procedure will generate a service disruption. The service disruption will end when Patroni elect the new primary instance.

The procedure includes some shell script snippet examples. In those snippet we assume the following environment variables are set with values of the StackGres cluster you want to restart:


1. Change operator version annotation

Change the SGDistributedLogs to indicate to use the new operator version.

OPERATOR_VERSION="$(helm list -o json -n stackgres \
  | jq -r '.[]|select(.name == "stackgres-operator").app_version')"
kubectl annotate sgdistributedlogs.stackgres.io -n "$NAMESPACE" "$DISTRIBUTED_LOGS_NAME" \
  --overwrite "stackgres.io/operatorVersion=$OPERATOR_VERSION"

2. Delete the StatefulSet and wait for the primary to be recreated

kubectl delete sts -n "$NAMESPACE" "$DISTRIBUTED_LOGS_NAME" --wait=true

Wait until the new instance is created and operational, receiving traffic from the service. This new primary has already been initialized with the new components.

kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready -n "$NAMESPACE" "pod/$DISTRIBUTED_LOGS_NAME-0"