
Logs Levels

One of the best option to debug StackGres is by setting logs levels. Logs levels affect logs of all the StackGres components. Logs level are divided into categories where each belongs a category tree. A tree level is defined by a . (point) (For example, category io.stackgres is a sub category of io). For each category we can set a log level like INFO, DEBUG or TRACE (see for a complete list). Here is a list of category for each component of StackGres:

Component Category
all io.stackgres
operator io.stackgres.operator
restapi controller io.stackgres.apiweb
cluster controller io.stackgres.cluster-controller
distributedlogs controller io.stackgres.distributedlogs-controller
patroni io.stackgres.patroni
wal-g io.stackgres.wal-g
envoy io.stackgres.envoy
fluent-bit io.stackgres.fluent-bit
fluentd io.stackgres.fluentd
prometheus-postgres-exporter io.stackgres.prometheus-postgres-exporter

To set a log level for a category you can use the following command on the Operator deployment:

kubectl set env -n stackgres deployment/stackgres-operator "APP_OPTS=-Dquarkus.log.category.\"$CATEGORY\".level=$LOG_LEVEL"

To make the change effective for components of a running cluster you will have to restart it when the PendingRestart condition of the SGCluster CR becomes true.

If you need to set log level for a category of the REST API Controller then use following command:

kubectl set env -n stackgres deployment/stackgres-restapi "APP_OPTS=-Dquarkus.log.category.\"$CATEGORY\".level=$LOG_LEVEL"

Enable Operator, REST API Controller and Local Controllers HTTP Logs

Sometimes it comes handy in order to debug complex behaviour to being able to see what are sending and receiving operator, REST API Controller and Local Controllers components to Kubernetes API. Operator, REST API Controller and Local Controllers are based on Kubernetes client that uses OkHttp library to perform operations with the Kubernetes API. To enable HTTP logs and see what it is sent and what is received set the category okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor to level TRACE.