Chapter 5

Administration Manual

Administration of postgres clusters created with StackGres.

  • StackGres Installation

    Documentation how to install the StackGres operator.

  • Connecting to the Cluster

    This page contains details about how to connect to a StackGres cluster.

  • Creating a Cluster

    Details about how to create a production StackGres cluster.

  • Configuration

    Details about default and custom configurations.

  • Backups

    Details about how to set up and configure backups.

  • SQL Scripts

    Details about how manage state and data using SQL scripts

  • Postgres Extensions

    Details about how to set up and install Postgres extensions.

  • Monitoring

    Details about monitoring and metrics automatically stored on Prometheus.

  • High Availability

    Details about how Patroni is used to handle the database replicas and primary nodes.

  • Manual Cluster Restart

    Details about how to restart manually the database nodes.

  • Distributed Logs

    Details about how to create a distributed log instance.

  • Admin UI

    This page contains details about how to connect on the StackGres admin UI.

  • Replication

    This page contains details about how to create different cluster arquitecture topologies by using the replication features.

  • Sharded Cluster

    Overview of StackGres sharded cluster.

  • Minor version upgrade

    Perform a postgres minor version upgrade

  • Major version upgrade

    Perform a postgres major version upgrade

  • Upgrade via Helm

    Details how to use Helm to upgrade the operator.

  • Uninstall

    Details about how to uninstall the operator and all its components.