
StackGres makes various Postgres-related metrics available, and integrates with Postgres and Grafana. The metrics are shown in the monitoring dashboards (Prometheus and Grafana), as well as in the admin UI.

At the moment, StackGres only provides an integration for Prometheus.

This section shows how to enable observability, especially monitoring and alerting with StackGres, using Prometheus and Grafana.

Observability: Monitoring and Alerting

Prometheus natively includes the following services:

  • Prometheus Server: The core service
  • Alert Manager: Handle events and send notifications to your preferred on-call platform

Installing the Community Prometheus Stack

For a full Prometheus Stack (State Metrics, Node Exporter and Grafana), there is a community Helm chart available at kube-prometheus-stack installation instructions.

First, add the Prometheus Community repositories:

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo add stable
helm repo update

Install the Kube Prometheus Stack:

helm install --create-namespace --namespace monitoring \
 --set grafana.enabled=true \
 prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

StackGres provides advanced options for monitoring installation, see Operator installation with Helm in the Production installation section.

Once the operator is installed, you can retrieve the generated credentials. By default, they are user admin and password prom-operator.

kubectl get secret prometheus-grafana \
 --namespace monitoring \
 --template '{{ printf "user = %s\npassword = %s\n" (index .data "admin-user" | base64decode) (index .data "admin-password" | base64decode) }}'

Grafana’s hostname also can be queried:

kubectl get --namespace monitoring deployments prometheus-grafana -o json | jq -r ''

Re-Routing Services to Different Ports

In a production setup, is very likely that you will be installing all the resources in a remote location, so you’ll need to route the services through specific interfaces and ports.

For sake of simplicity, we will port-forward to the pods on all local interfaces ( This is only for testing purposes, and we strongly recommend to only expose through secure or internal network interfaces when dealing with production workloads.

Exposing the Grafana UI

To access Grafana’s dashboard locally, you can forward the pod’s port, so that it will be available at localhost:9999:

GRAFANA_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward "$GRAFANA_POD" 9999:3000 --namespace monitoring

Exposing the Prometheus Server UI

You can also access the Prometheus server, by forwarding the port of the Prometheus pod:

POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "app=prometheus" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 9090

This will be available at localhost:9090.

Inside the cluster, the Prometheus server is available via the prometheus-operator-server.monitoring DNS name.

Exposing the Alert Manager

You can also access the Prometheus alert manager, by forwarding the following port:

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "app=alertmanager" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME --address 9093

Inside the cluster, the Prometheus alert manager can be accessed via prometheus-operator-server.monitoring.

Pre-Existing Grafana Integration and Pre-Requisites

Integrating Grafana

If you already have a Grafana installation in your system, you can embed it automatically in the StackGres UI by setting the property grafana.autoEmbed=true:

helm install --create-namespace --namespace stackgres stackgres-operator \
   --set grafana.autoEmbed=true \

This method requires the installation process to authenticate using Grafana’s username and password (see installation via helm for more options related to automatic embedding of Grafana).

Manual Integration

Some manual steps are required in order to manually integrate Grafana.

  1. Create the PostgreSQL Grafana dashboard:

    Using the UI: Click on Grafana > Create > Import > Dashboard 9628

    Check the PostgreSQL dashboard for more details.

  2. Copy Grafana’s dashboard URL for the Postgres exporter:

    Using the UI: Click on Grafana > Dashboard > Manage > Select Postgres exporter dashboard > Copy URL

  3. Create a Grafana API token:

    Using the UI: Grafana > Configuration > API Keys > Add API key (for viewer) > Copy key value

Installing Grafana and Creating Basic Dashboards

If you already installed the prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack, you can skip this session.

Add the Grafana charts' source repository:

helm repo add grafana
helm repo update

And install the chart:

helm install --namespace monitoring grafana grafana/grafana

Get the admin credential:

kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

Expose your Grafana service (grafana.monitoring) in your cluster setup or port-forward to port 3000 locally:

POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME --address 3000

You will need the admin credential to log into the web console (at localhost:3000 if you’re using port forwarding).

NOTE: take note of the Grafana’s URL grafana.monitoring, which will be used when configuring StackGres Operator.

The following script, will create a basic PostgreSQL dashboard using Grafana’s API (you can change the grafana_host to point to your remote location):

grafana_admin_cred=$(kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo)
curl_grafana_api() {
  curl -sk -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "$grafana_credentials" "$@"
get_admin_settings() {
  # Not executed in the script, but useful to keep this
  curl_grafana_api -X GET  ${grafana_host}/api/admin/settings | jq .
dashboard_json="$(cat << EOF
  "dashboard": $(curl_grafana_api "$grafana_host/api/gnet/dashboards/$dashboard_id" | jq .json),
  "overwrite": true,
  "inputs": [{
    "name": "DS_PROMETHEUS",
    "type": "datasource",
    "pluginId": "prometheus",
    "value": "$grafana_prometheus_datasource_name"
grafana_dashboard_url="$(curl_grafana_api -X POST -d "$dashboard_json" "$grafana_host/api/dashboards/import" | jq -r .importedUrl)"
echo ${grafana_host}${grafana_dashboard_url}

The resulting URL will point to the dashboard that displays your PostgreSQL metrics.

Monitoring Setup Validation

At this point, you should have the following pods:

# kubectl get pods -n monitoring
NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
alertmanager-prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager-0    2/2     Running   0          20m
grafana-7575c4b7b5-2cbvw                                  1/1     Running   0          14m
prometheus-grafana-5b458bf78c-tpqrl                       2/2     Running   0          20m
prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator-576f4bf45b-w5j9m      2/2     Running   0          20m
prometheus-kube-state-metrics-c65b87574-tsx24             1/1     Running   0          20m
prometheus-operator-alertmanager-655b8bc7bf-hc6fd         2/2     Running   0          79m
prometheus-operator-kube-state-metrics-69fcc8d48c-tmn8j   1/1     Running   0          79m
prometheus-operator-node-exporter-28qz9                   1/1     Running   0          79m
prometheus-operator-pushgateway-888f886ff-bxxtw           1/1     Running   0          79m
prometheus-operator-server-7686fc69bd-mlvsx               2/2     Running   0          79m
prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0        3/3     Running   1          20m
prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter-jbsm2                 0/1     Pending   0          20m

Enable Prometheus Auto Binding in Cluster

To allow the StackGres operator to discover available Prometheus instances, to create required ServiceMonitors, to store StackGres stats in existing Prometheus instances (only for those that are created through the Prometheus Operator), you have to set the field .spec.prometheusAutobind to true in your SGCluster:

kind: SGCluster
  name: cluster
  instances: 1
    version: 'latest'
      size: '5Gi'
  prometheusAutobind: true