5.8. SGDbOps

Kind: SGDbOps

listKind: SGDbOpsList

plural: sgdbops

singular: sgdbops

shortNames sgdo

The SGDbOps custom resource represents database operations that are performed on a Postgres cluster.


apiVersion: stackgres.io/v1
kind: SGDbOps
  name: benchmark
 sgCluster: my-cluster
 op: benchmark
 maxRetries: 1
   type: pgbench
     databaseSize: 1Gi
     duration: P0DT0H10M0S
     concurrentClients: 10
     threads: 10
   connectionType: primary-service

May Require Restart

Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

apiVersion string stackgres.io/v1
kind string SGDbOps
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field.
spec object
status object


↩ Parent

May Require Restart

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op string The kind of operation that will be performed on the SGCluster. Available operations are:

  • benchmark: run a benchmark on the specified SGCluster and report the results in the status.
  • vacuum: perform a vacuum operation on the specified SGCluster.
  • repack: run pg_repack command on the specified SGCluster.
  • majorVersionUpgrade: perform a major version upgrade of PostgreSQL using pg_upgrade command.
  • restart: perform a restart of the cluster.
  • minorVersionUpgrade: perform a minor version upgrade of PostgreSQL.
  • securityUpgrade: perform a security upgrade of the cluster.
sgCluster string The name of SGCluster on which the operation will be performed.
benchmark object Configuration of the benchmark
majorVersionUpgrade object Configuration of major version upgrade (see also pg_upgrade command)
maxRetries integer The maximum number of retries the operation is allowed to do after a failure.

A value of 0 (zero) means no retries are made. Defaults to: 0.

minorVersionUpgrade object Configuration of minor version upgrade
repack object Configuration of pg_repack command
restart object Configuration of restart
runAt string An ISO 8601 date, that holds UTC scheduled date of the operation execution.

If not specified or if the date it’s in the past, it will be interpreted ASAP.

scheduling object Pod custom node scheduling and affinity configuration
securityUpgrade object Configuration of security upgrade
timeout string An ISO 8601 duration in the format PnDTnHnMn.nS, that specifies a timeout after which the operation execution will be canceled.

If the operation can not be performed due to timeout expiration, the condition Failed will have a status of True and the reason will be OperationTimedOut.

If not specified the operation will never fail for timeout expiration.

vacuum object Configuration of vacuum operation


↩ Parent

Configuration of the benchmark

May Require Restart

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type string The type of benchmark that will be performed on the SGCluster. Available benchmarks are:

  • pgbench: run pgbench on the specified SGCluster and report the results in the status.

  • sampling: samples real queries and store them in the SGDbOps status in order to be used by a pgbench benchmark using replay mode.

connectionType string Specify the service where the benchmark will connect to:

  • primary-service: Connect to the primary service

  • replicas-service: Connect to the replicas service

  • credentials object The credentials of the user that will be used by the benchmark
    database string When specified will indicate the database where the benchmark will run upon.

    If not specified a target database with a random name will be created and removed after the benchmark completes.

    pgbench object Configuration of pgbench benchmark
    sampling object Configuration of sampling benchmark.


    ↩ Parent

    The credentials of the user that will be used by the benchmark

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    password object The password that will be used by the benchmark

    If not specified the default superuser password will be used.

    username object The username that will be used by the benchmark.

    If not specified the default superuser username (by default postgres) will be used.


    ↩ Parent

    The password that will be used by the benchmark

    If not specified the default superuser password will be used.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string The Secret key where the password is stored.
    name string The Secret name where the password is stored.

    ↩ Parent

    The username that will be used by the benchmark.

    If not specified the default superuser username (by default postgres) will be used.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string The Secret key where the username is stored.
    name string The Secret name where the username is stored.


    ↩ Parent

    Configuration of pgbench benchmark

    May Require Restart

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    databaseSize string Size of the database to generate. This size is specified either in Mebibytes, Gibibytes or Tebibytes (multiples of 2^20, 2^30 or 2^40, respectively).
    duration string An ISO 8601 duration in the format PnDTnHnMn.nS, that specifies how long the benchmark will run.
    concurrentClients integer Number of clients simulated, that is, number of concurrent database sessions. Defaults to: 1.
    custom object This section allow to configure custom SQL for initialization and scripts used by pgbench.
    fillfactor integer Create the pgbench_accounts, pgbench_tellers and pgbench_branches tables with the given fillfactor. Default is 100.
    foreignKeys boolean Create foreign key constraints between the standard tables. (This option only take effect if custom.initiailization is not specified).
    initSteps string Perform just a selected set of the normal initialization steps. init_steps specifies the initialization steps to be performed, using one character per step. Each step is invoked in the specified order. The default is dtgvp. The available steps are:

    • d (Drop): Drop any existing pgbench tables.

    • t (create Tables): Create the tables used by the standard pgbench scenario, namely pgbench_accounts, pgbench_branches, pgbench_history, and pgbench_tellers.

    • g or G (Generate data, client-side or server-side): Generate data and load it into the standard tables, replacing any data already present. With g (client-side data generation), data is generated in pgbench client and then sent to the server. This uses the client/server bandwidth extensively through a COPY. pgbench uses the FREEZE option with version 14 or later of PostgreSQL to speed up subsequent VACUUM, unless partitions are enabled. Using g causes logging to print one message every 100,000 rows while generating data for the pgbench_accounts table. With G (server-side data generation), only small queries are sent from the pgbench client and then data is actually generated in the server. No significant bandwidth is required for this variant, but the server will do more work. Using G causes logging not to print any progress message while generating data. The default initialization behavior uses client-side data generation (equivalent to g).

    • v (Vacuum): Invoke VACUUM on the standard tables.

    • p (create Primary keys): Create primary key indexes on the standard tables.

    • f (create Foreign keys): Create foreign key constraints between the standard tables. (Note that this step is not performed by default.)

    mode string The pgbench benchmark type:

  • tpcb-like: The benchmark is inspired by the TPC-B benchmark. It is the default mode when connectionType is set to primary-service.

  • select-only: The tpcb-like but only using SELECTs commands. It is the default mode when connectionType is set to replicas-service.

  • custom: will use the scripts in the custom section to initialize and and run commands for the benchmark.

  • replay: will replay the sampled queries of a sampling benchmark SGDbOps. If the custom section is specified it will be used instead. Queries can be referenced setting custom.scripts.replay to the index of the query in the sampling benchmark SGDbOps’s status (index start from 0).

  • See also https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/pgbench.html#TRANSACTIONS-AND-SCRIPTS

    noVacuum boolean Perform no vacuuming during initialization. (This option suppresses the v initialization step, even if it was specified in initSteps.)
    partitionMethod string Create a partitioned pgbench_accounts table with the specified method. Expected values are range or hash. This option requires that partitions is set to non-zero. If unspecified, default is range. (This option only take effect if custom.initiailization is not specified).
    partitions integer Create a partitioned pgbench_accounts table with the specified number of partitions of nearly equal size for the scaled number of accounts. Default is 0, meaning no partitioning. (This option only take effect if custom.initiailization is not specified).
    queryMode string Protocol to use for submitting queries to the server:

    • simple: use simple query protocol.
    • extended: use extended query protocol.
    • prepared: use extended query protocol with prepared statements.

    In the prepared mode, pgbench reuses the parse analysis result starting from the second query iteration, so pgbench runs faster than in other modes.

    The default is simple query protocol. See also https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol.html

    samplingRate number Sampling rate, used when collecting data, to reduce the amount of collected data. If this option is given, only the specified fraction of transactions are collected. 1.0 means all transactions will be logged, 0.05 means only 5% of the transactions will be logged.
    samplingSGDbOps string benchmark SGDbOps of type sampling that will be used to replay sampled queries.
    threads integer Number of worker threads within pgbench. Using more than one thread can be helpful on multi-CPU machines. Clients are distributed as evenly as possible among available threads. Default is 1.
    unloggedTables boolean Create all tables as unlogged tables, rather than permanent tables. (This option only take effect if custom.initiailization is not specified).
    usePreparedStatements boolean Deprecated this field is ignored, use queryMode instead.

    Use extended query protocol with prepared statements. Defaults to: false.


    ↩ Parent

    This section allow to configure custom SQL for initialization and scripts used by pgbench.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    initialization object The custom SQL for initialization that will be executed in place of pgbench default initialization.

    If not specified the default pgbench initialization will be performed instead.

    scripts []object The custom SQL scripts that will be executed by pgbench during the benchmark instead of default pgbench scripts

    ↩ Parent

    The custom SQL for initialization that will be executed in place of pgbench default initialization.

    If not specified the default pgbench initialization will be performed instead.

    May Require Restart

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    script string Raw SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with scriptFrom field.
    scriptFrom object Reference to either a Kubernetes Secret or a ConfigMap that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with script field.

    Fields secretKeyRef and configMapKeyRef are mutually exclusive, and one of them is required.


    ↩ Parent

    Reference to either a Kubernetes Secret or a ConfigMap that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with script field.

    Fields secretKeyRef and configMapKeyRef are mutually exclusive, and one of them is required.

    May Require Restart

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    configMapKeyRef object A ConfigMap reference that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with secretKeyRef field.
    secretKeyRef object A Kubernetes SecretKeySelector that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with configMapKeyRef field.

    ↩ Parent

    A ConfigMap reference that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with secretKeyRef field.

    May Require Restart

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    key string The key name within the ConfigMap that contains the SQL script to execute.
    name string The name of the ConfigMap that contains the SQL script to execute.

    ↩ Parent

    A Kubernetes SecretKeySelector that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with configMapKeyRef field.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key.
    name string Name of the referent. More information.

    ↩ Parent

    A custom SQL script that will be executed by pgbench during the benchmark instead of default pgbench scripts

    May Require Restart

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    builtin string The name of the builtin script to use. See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/pgbench.html#PGBENCH-OPTION-BUILTIN

    When specified fields replay, script and scriptFrom must not be set.

    replay integer The index of the query in the sampling benchmark SGDbOps’s status (index start from 0).

    When specified fields builtin, script and scriptFrom must not be set.

    script string Raw SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with scriptFrom field.
    scriptFrom object Reference to either a Kubernetes Secret or a ConfigMap that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with script field.

    Fields secretKeyRef and configMapKeyRef are mutually exclusive, and one of them is required.

    weight integer The weight of this custom SQL script.

    ↩ Parent

    Reference to either a Kubernetes Secret or a ConfigMap that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with script field.

    Fields secretKeyRef and configMapKeyRef are mutually exclusive, and one of them is required.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    configMapKeyRef object A ConfigMap reference that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with secretKeyRef field.
    secretKeyRef object A Kubernetes SecretKeySelector that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with configMapKeyRef field.

    ↩ Parent

    A ConfigMap reference that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with secretKeyRef field.

    May Require Restart

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    key string The key name within the ConfigMap that contains the SQL script to execute.
    name string The name of the ConfigMap that contains the SQL script to execute.

    ↩ Parent

    A Kubernetes SecretKeySelector that contains the SQL script to execute. This field is mutually exclusive with configMapKeyRef field.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key.
    name string Name of the referent. More information.


    ↩ Parent

    Configuration of sampling benchmark.

    May Require Restart

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    samplingDuration string An ISO 8601 duration in the format PnDTnHnMn.nS, that specifies how long will last the sampling of real queries that will be replayed later.
    targetDatabase string The target database to be sampled. By default postgres.

    The benchmark database will be used to store the sampled queries but user must specify a target database to be sampled in the sampling section.

    topQueriesCollectDuration string An ISO 8601 duration in the format PnDTnHnMn.nS, that specifies how long the to wait before selecting top queries in order to collect enough stats.
    customTopQueriesQuery string The query used to select top queries. Will be ignored if mode is not set to custom.

    The query must return at most 2 columns:

    • First column returned by the query must be a column holding the query identifier, also available in pg_stat_activity (column query_id) and pg_stat_statements (column queryid).
    • Second column is optional and, if returned, must hold a json object containing only text keys and values stat will be used to generate the stats.

    See also:

    mode string The mode used to select the top queries used for sampling:

  • time: The top queries will be selected among the most slow queries.

  • calls: The top queries will be selected among the most called queries.

  • custom: The customTopQueriesQuery will be used to select top queries.

  • omitTopQueriesInStatus boolean When true omit to include the top queries stats in the SGDbOps status. By default false.
    queries integer Number of sampled queries to include in the result. By default 10.
    samplingMinInterval integer Minimum number of microseconds the sampler will wait between each sample is taken. By default 10000 (10 milliseconds).
    topQueriesFilter string Regular expression for filtering representative statements when selecting top queries. Will be ignored if mode is set to custom. By default is ^ *(with|select) . See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-matching.html#FUNCTIONS-POSIX-REGEXP
    topQueriesMin integer Minimum number of queries to consider as part of the top queries. By default 5.
    topQueriesPercentile integer Percentile of queries to consider as part of the top queries. Will be ignored if mode is set to custom. By default 95.


    ↩ Parent

    Configuration of major version upgrade (see also pg_upgrade command)

    May Require Restart

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    backupPath string The path were the backup is stored. If not set this field is filled up by the operator.

    When provided will indicate were the backups and WAL files will be stored.

    The path should be different from the current .spec.configurations.backups[].path value for the target SGCluster in order to avoid mixing WAL files of two distinct major versions of postgres.

    check boolean If true does some checks to see if the cluster can perform a major version upgrade without changing any data. Defaults to: false.
    clone boolean If true use efficient file cloning (also known as “reflinks” on some systems) instead of copying files to the new cluster. This can result in near-instantaneous copying of the data files, giving the speed advantages of link while leaving the old cluster untouched. This option is mutually exclusive with link. Defaults to: false.

    File cloning is only supported on some operating systems and file systems. If it is selected but not supported, the pg_upgrade run will error. At present, it is supported on Linux (kernel 4.5 or later) with Btrfs and XFS (on file systems created with reflink support), and on macOS with APFS.

    link boolean If true use hard links instead of copying files to the new cluster. This option is mutually exclusive with clone. Defaults to: false.
    postgresExtensions []object A major version upgrade can not be performed if a required extension is not present for the target major version of the upgrade. In those cases you will have to provide the target extension version of the extension for the target major version of postgres. Beware that in some cases it is not possible to upgrade an extension alongside postgres. This is the case for PostGIS or timescaledb. In such cases you will have to upgrade the extension before or after the major version upgrade. Please make sure you read the documentation of each extension in order to understand if it is possible to upgrade it during a major version upgrade of postgres.
    postgresVersion string The target postgres version that must have the same major version of the target SGCluster.
    sgPostgresConfig string The postgres config that must have the same major version of the target postgres version.
    toInstallPostgresExtensions []object The list of Postgres extensions to install.

    This section is filled by the operator.


    ↩ Parent

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    name string The name of the extension to deploy.
    publisher string The id of the publisher of the extension to deploy. If not specified com.ongres will be used by default.

    Default: com.ongres
    repository string The repository base URL from where to obtain the extension to deploy.

    This section is filled by the operator.

    version string The version of the extension to deploy. If not specified version of stable channel will be used by default and if only a version is available that one will be used.


    ↩ Parent

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    name string The name of the extension to install.
    postgresVersion string The postgres major version of the extension to install.
    publisher string The id of the publisher of the extension to install.
    repository string The repository base URL from where the extension will be installed from.
    version string The version of the extension to install.
    build string The build version of the extension to install.
    extraMounts []string The extra mounts of the extension to install.


    ↩ Parent

    Configuration of minor version upgrade

    May Require Restart

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    method string The method used to perform the minor version upgrade operation. Available methods are:

    • InPlace: the in-place method does not require more resources than those that are available. In case only an instance of the StackGres cluster is present this mean the service disruption will last longer so we encourage use the reduced impact restart and especially for a production environment.
    • ReducedImpact: this procedure is the same as the in-place method but require additional resources in order to spawn a new updated replica that will be removed when the procedure completes.
    postgresVersion string The target postgres version that must have the same major version of the target SGCluster.


    ↩ Parent

    Configuration of pg_repack command

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    databases []object List of database to vacuum or repack, don’t specify to select all databases
    excludeExtension boolean If true don’t repack tables which belong to specific extension. Defaults to: false.
    noAnalyze boolean If true don’t analyze at end. Defaults to: false.
    noKillBackend boolean If true don’t kill other backends when timed out. Defaults to: false.
    noOrder boolean If true do vacuum full instead of cluster. Defaults to: false.
    waitTimeout string If specified, an ISO 8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS to set a timeout to cancel other backends on conflict.


    ↩ Parent

    May Require Restart

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    name string the name of the database
    excludeExtension boolean If true don’t repack tables which belong to specific extension. Defaults to: false.
    noAnalyze boolean If true don’t analyze at end. Defaults to: false.
    noKillBackend boolean If true don’t kill other backends when timed out. Defaults to: false.
    noOrder boolean If true do vacuum full instead of cluster. Defaults to: false.
    waitTimeout string If specified, an ISO 8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS to set a timeout to cancel other backends on conflict.


    ↩ Parent

    Configuration of restart

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    method string The method used to perform the restart operation. Available methods are:

    • InPlace: the in-place method does not require more resources than those that are available. In case only an instance of the StackGres cluster is present this mean the service disruption will last longer so we encourage use the reduced impact restart and especially for a production environment.
    • ReducedImpact: this procedure is the same as the in-place method but require additional resources in order to spawn a new updated replica that will be removed when the procedure completes.
    onlyPendingRestart boolean By default all Pods are restarted. Setting this option to true allow to restart only those Pods which are in pending restart state as detected by the operation. Defaults to: false.


    ↩ Parent

    Pod custom node scheduling and affinity configuration

    May Require Restart

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    nodeAffinity object Node affinity is a group of node affinity scheduling rules.

    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.29/#nodeaffinity-v1-core

    nodeSelector map[string]string NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node’s labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
    podAffinity object Pod affinity is a group of inter pod affinity scheduling rules.

    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.29/#podaffinity-v1-core

    podAntiAffinity object Pod anti affinity is a group of inter pod anti affinity scheduling rules.

    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.29/#podantiaffinity-v1-core

    priorityClassName string If specified, indicates the pod’s priority. “system-node-critical” and “system-cluster-critical” are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest priority. Any other name must be defined by creating a PriorityClass object with that name. If not specified, the pod priority will be default or zero if there is no default.
    tolerations []object If specified, the pod’s tolerations.

    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.29/#toleration-v1-core


    ↩ Parent

    Node affinity is a group of node affinity scheduling rules.

    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.29/#nodeaffinity-v1-core

    May Require Restart

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    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution []object The scheduler will prefer to schedule pods to nodes that satisfy the affinity expressions specified by this field, but it may choose a node that violates one or more of the expressions. The node that is most preferred is the one with the greatest sum of weights, i.e. for each node that meets all of the scheduling requirements (resource request, requiredDuringScheduling affinity expressions, etc.), compute a sum by iterating through the elements of this field and adding “weight” to the sum if the node matches the corresponding matchExpressions; the node(s) with the highest sum are the most preferred.
    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution object A node selector represents the union of the results of one or more label queries over a set of nodes; that is, it represents the OR of the selectors represented by the node selector terms.

    ↩ Parent

    An empty preferred scheduling term matches all objects with implicit weight 0 (i.e. it’s a no-op). A null preferred scheduling term matches no objects (i.e. is also a no-op).

    May Require Restart

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    preference object A null or empty node selector term matches no objects. The requirements of them are ANDed. The TopologySelectorTerm type implements a subset of the NodeSelectorTerm.
    weight integer Weight associated with matching the corresponding nodeSelectorTerm, in the range 1-100.

    Format: int32

    ↩ Parent

    A null or empty node selector term matches no objects. The requirements of them are ANDed. The TopologySelectorTerm type implements a subset of the NodeSelectorTerm.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object A list of node selector requirements by node’s labels.
    matchFields []object A list of node selector requirements by node’s fields.

    ↩ Parent

    A node selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string The label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string Represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist. Gt, and Lt.
    values []string An array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. If the operator is Gt or Lt, the values array must have a single element, which will be interpreted as an integer. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    A node selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string The label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string Represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist. Gt, and Lt.
    values []string An array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. If the operator is Gt or Lt, the values array must have a single element, which will be interpreted as an integer. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    A node selector represents the union of the results of one or more label queries over a set of nodes; that is, it represents the OR of the selectors represented by the node selector terms.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    nodeSelectorTerms []object Required. A list of node selector terms. The terms are ORed.

    ↩ Parent

    A null or empty node selector term matches no objects. The requirements of them are ANDed. The TopologySelectorTerm type implements a subset of the NodeSelectorTerm.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object A list of node selector requirements by node’s labels.
    matchFields []object A list of node selector requirements by node’s fields.

    ↩ Parent

    A node selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string The label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string Represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist. Gt, and Lt.
    values []string An array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. If the operator is Gt or Lt, the values array must have a single element, which will be interpreted as an integer. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    A node selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string The label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string Represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist. Gt, and Lt.
    values []string An array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. If the operator is Gt or Lt, the values array must have a single element, which will be interpreted as an integer. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.


    ↩ Parent

    Pod affinity is a group of inter pod affinity scheduling rules.

    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.29/#podaffinity-v1-core

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution []object The scheduler will prefer to schedule pods to nodes that satisfy the affinity expressions specified by this field, but it may choose a node that violates one or more of the expressions. The node that is most preferred is the one with the greatest sum of weights, i.e. for each node that meets all of the scheduling requirements (resource request, requiredDuringScheduling affinity expressions, etc.), compute a sum by iterating through the elements of this field and adding “weight” to the sum if the node has pods which matches the corresponding podAffinityTerm; the node(s) with the highest sum are the most preferred.
    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution []object If the affinity requirements specified by this field are not met at scheduling time, the pod will not be scheduled onto the node. If the affinity requirements specified by this field cease to be met at some point during pod execution (e.g. due to a pod label update), the system may or may not try to eventually evict the pod from its node. When there are multiple elements, the lists of nodes corresponding to each podAffinityTerm are intersected, i.e. all terms must be satisfied.

    ↩ Parent

    The weights of all of the matched WeightedPodAffinityTerm fields are added per-node to find the most preferred node(s)

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    podAffinityTerm object Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the labelSelector relative to the given namespace(s)) that this pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key matches that of any node on which a pod of the set of pods is running
    weight integer weight associated with matching the corresponding podAffinityTerm, in the range 1-100.

    Format: int32

    ↩ Parent

    Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the labelSelector relative to the given namespace(s)) that this pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key matches that of any node on which a pod of the set of pods is running

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    topologyKey string This pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with the pods matching the labelSelector in the specified namespaces, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key topologyKey matches that of any node on which any of the selected pods is running. Empty topologyKey is not allowed.
    labelSelector object A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.
    matchLabelKeys []string MatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select which pods will be taken into consideration. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are merged with LabelSelector as key in (value) to select the group of existing pods which pods will be taken into consideration for the incoming pod’s pod (anti) affinity. Keys that don’t exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. The default value is empty. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. Also, MatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn’t set. This is an alpha field and requires enabling MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity feature gate.
    mismatchLabelKeys []string MismatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select which pods will be taken into consideration. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are merged with LabelSelector as key notin (value) to select the group of existing pods which pods will be taken into consideration for the incoming pod’s pod (anti) affinity. Keys that don’t exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. The default value is empty. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MismatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. Also, MismatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn’t set. This is an alpha field and requires enabling MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity feature gate.
    namespaceSelector object A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.
    namespaces []string namespaces specifies a static list of namespace names that the term applies to. The term is applied to the union of the namespaces listed in this field and the ones selected by namespaceSelector. null or empty namespaces list and null namespaceSelector means “this pod’s namespace”.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string key is the label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
    values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string key is the label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
    values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the labelSelector relative to the given namespace(s)) that this pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key matches that of any node on which a pod of the set of pods is running

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    topologyKey string This pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with the pods matching the labelSelector in the specified namespaces, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key topologyKey matches that of any node on which any of the selected pods is running. Empty topologyKey is not allowed.
    labelSelector object A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.
    matchLabelKeys []string MatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select which pods will be taken into consideration. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are merged with LabelSelector as key in (value) to select the group of existing pods which pods will be taken into consideration for the incoming pod’s pod (anti) affinity. Keys that don’t exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. The default value is empty. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. Also, MatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn’t set. This is an alpha field and requires enabling MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity feature gate.
    mismatchLabelKeys []string MismatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select which pods will be taken into consideration. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are merged with LabelSelector as key notin (value) to select the group of existing pods which pods will be taken into consideration for the incoming pod’s pod (anti) affinity. Keys that don’t exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. The default value is empty. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MismatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. Also, MismatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn’t set. This is an alpha field and requires enabling MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity feature gate.
    namespaceSelector object A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.
    namespaces []string namespaces specifies a static list of namespace names that the term applies to. The term is applied to the union of the namespaces listed in this field and the ones selected by namespaceSelector. null or empty namespaces list and null namespaceSelector means “this pod’s namespace”.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string key is the label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
    values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string key is the label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
    values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.


    ↩ Parent

    Pod anti affinity is a group of inter pod anti affinity scheduling rules.

    See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.29/#podantiaffinity-v1-core

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution []object The scheduler will prefer to schedule pods to nodes that satisfy the anti-affinity expressions specified by this field, but it may choose a node that violates one or more of the expressions. The node that is most preferred is the one with the greatest sum of weights, i.e. for each node that meets all of the scheduling requirements (resource request, requiredDuringScheduling anti-affinity expressions, etc.), compute a sum by iterating through the elements of this field and adding “weight” to the sum if the node has pods which matches the corresponding podAffinityTerm; the node(s) with the highest sum are the most preferred.
    requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution []object If the anti-affinity requirements specified by this field are not met at scheduling time, the pod will not be scheduled onto the node. If the anti-affinity requirements specified by this field cease to be met at some point during pod execution (e.g. due to a pod label update), the system may or may not try to eventually evict the pod from its node. When there are multiple elements, the lists of nodes corresponding to each podAffinityTerm are intersected, i.e. all terms must be satisfied.

    ↩ Parent

    The weights of all of the matched WeightedPodAffinityTerm fields are added per-node to find the most preferred node(s)

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    podAffinityTerm object Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the labelSelector relative to the given namespace(s)) that this pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key matches that of any node on which a pod of the set of pods is running
    weight integer weight associated with matching the corresponding podAffinityTerm, in the range 1-100.

    Format: int32

    ↩ Parent

    Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the labelSelector relative to the given namespace(s)) that this pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key matches that of any node on which a pod of the set of pods is running

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    topologyKey string This pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with the pods matching the labelSelector in the specified namespaces, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key topologyKey matches that of any node on which any of the selected pods is running. Empty topologyKey is not allowed.
    labelSelector object A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.
    matchLabelKeys []string MatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select which pods will be taken into consideration. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are merged with LabelSelector as key in (value) to select the group of existing pods which pods will be taken into consideration for the incoming pod’s pod (anti) affinity. Keys that don’t exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. The default value is empty. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. Also, MatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn’t set. This is an alpha field and requires enabling MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity feature gate.
    mismatchLabelKeys []string MismatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select which pods will be taken into consideration. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are merged with LabelSelector as key notin (value) to select the group of existing pods which pods will be taken into consideration for the incoming pod’s pod (anti) affinity. Keys that don’t exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. The default value is empty. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MismatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. Also, MismatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn’t set. This is an alpha field and requires enabling MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity feature gate.
    namespaceSelector object A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.
    namespaces []string namespaces specifies a static list of namespace names that the term applies to. The term is applied to the union of the namespaces listed in this field and the ones selected by namespaceSelector. null or empty namespaces list and null namespaceSelector means “this pod’s namespace”.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string key is the label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
    values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string key is the label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
    values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    Defines a set of pods (namely those matching the labelSelector relative to the given namespace(s)) that this pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key matches that of any node on which a pod of the set of pods is running

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    topologyKey string This pod should be co-located (affinity) or not co-located (anti-affinity) with the pods matching the labelSelector in the specified namespaces, where co-located is defined as running on a node whose value of the label with key topologyKey matches that of any node on which any of the selected pods is running. Empty topologyKey is not allowed.
    labelSelector object A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.
    matchLabelKeys []string MatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select which pods will be taken into consideration. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are merged with LabelSelector as key in (value) to select the group of existing pods which pods will be taken into consideration for the incoming pod’s pod (anti) affinity. Keys that don’t exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. The default value is empty. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. Also, MatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn’t set. This is an alpha field and requires enabling MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity feature gate.
    mismatchLabelKeys []string MismatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select which pods will be taken into consideration. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are merged with LabelSelector as key notin (value) to select the group of existing pods which pods will be taken into consideration for the incoming pod’s pod (anti) affinity. Keys that don’t exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. The default value is empty. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MismatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. Also, MismatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn’t set. This is an alpha field and requires enabling MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity feature gate.
    namespaceSelector object A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.
    namespaces []string namespaces specifies a static list of namespace names that the term applies to. The term is applied to the union of the namespaces listed in this field and the ones selected by namespaceSelector. null or empty namespaces list and null namespaceSelector means “this pod’s namespace”.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string key is the label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
    values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector is a label query over a set of resources. The result of matchLabels and matchExpressions are ANDed. An empty label selector matches all objects. A null label selector matches no objects.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
    matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is “key”, the operator is “In”, and the values array contains only “value”. The requirements are ANDed.

    ↩ Parent

    A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    key string key is the label key that the selector applies to.
    operator string operator represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
    values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.


    ↩ Parent

    The pod this Toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple <key,value,effect> using the matching operator .

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    effect string Effect indicates the taint effect to match. Empty means match all taint effects. When specified, allowed values are NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule and NoExecute.
    key string Key is the taint key that the toleration applies to. Empty means match all taint keys. If the key is empty, operator must be Exists; this combination means to match all values and all keys.
    operator string Operator represents a key’s relationship to the value. Valid operators are Exists and Equal. Defaults to Equal. Exists is equivalent to wildcard for value, so that a pod can tolerate all taints of a particular category.
    tolerationSeconds integer TolerationSeconds represents the period of time the toleration (which must be of effect NoExecute, otherwise this field is ignored) tolerates the taint. By default, it is not set, which means tolerate the taint forever (do not evict). Zero and negative values will be treated as 0 (evict immediately) by the system.

    Format: int64
    value string Value is the taint value the toleration matches to. If the operator is Exists, the value should be empty, otherwise just a regular string.


    ↩ Parent

    Configuration of security upgrade

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    method string The method used to perform the security upgrade operation. Available methods are:

    • InPlace: the in-place method does not require more resources than those that are available. In case only an instance of the StackGres cluster is present this mean the service disruption will last longer so we encourage use the reduced impact restart and especially for a production environment.
    • ReducedImpact: this procedure is the same as the in-place method but require additional resources in order to spawn a new updated replica that will be removed when the procedure completes.


    ↩ Parent

    Configuration of vacuum operation

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    analyze boolean If true, updates statistics used by the planner to determine the most efficient way to execute a query. Defaults to: true.
    databases []object List of databases to vacuum or repack, don’t specify to select all databases
    disablePageSkipping boolean Normally, VACUUM will skip pages based on the visibility map. Pages where all tuples are known to be frozen can always be skipped, and those where all tuples are known to be visible to all transactions may be skipped except when performing an aggressive vacuum. Furthermore, except when performing an aggressive vacuum, some pages may be skipped in order to avoid waiting for other sessions to finish using them. This option disables all page-skipping behavior, and is intended to be used only when the contents of the visibility map are suspect, which should happen only if there is a hardware or software issue causing database corruption. Defaults to: false.
    freeze boolean If true selects aggressive “freezing” of tuples. Specifying FREEZE is equivalent to performing VACUUM with the vacuum_freeze_min_age and vacuum_freeze_table_age parameters set to zero. Aggressive freezing is always performed when the table is rewritten, so this option is redundant when FULL is specified. Defaults to: false.
    full boolean If true selects “full” vacuum, which can reclaim more space, but takes much longer and exclusively locks the table. This method also requires extra disk space, since it writes a new copy of the table and doesn’t release the old copy until the operation is complete. Usually this should only be used when a significant amount of space needs to be reclaimed from within the table. Defaults to: false.


    ↩ Parent

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    name string the name of the database
    analyze boolean If true, updates statistics used by the planner to determine the most efficient way to execute a query. Defaults to: true.
    disablePageSkipping boolean Normally, VACUUM will skip pages based on the visibility map. Pages where all tuples are known to be frozen can always be skipped, and those where all tuples are known to be visible to all transactions may be skipped except when performing an aggressive vacuum. Furthermore, except when performing an aggressive vacuum, some pages may be skipped in order to avoid waiting for other sessions to finish using them. This option disables all page-skipping behavior, and is intended to be used only when the contents of the visibility map are suspect, which should happen only if there is a hardware or software issue causing database corruption. Defaults to: false.
    freeze boolean If true selects aggressive “freezing” of tuples. Specifying FREEZE is equivalent to performing VACUUM with the vacuum_freeze_min_age and vacuum_freeze_table_age parameters set to zero. Aggressive freezing is always performed when the table is rewritten, so this option is redundant when FULL is specified. Defaults to: false.
    full boolean If true selects “full” vacuum, which can reclaim more space, but takes much longer and exclusively locks the table. This method also requires extra disk space, since it writes a new copy of the table and doesn’t release the old copy until the operation is complete. Usually this should only be used when a significant amount of space needs to be reclaimed from within the table. Defaults to: false.


    ↩ Parent

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    benchmark object The results of the benchmark
    conditions []object Possible conditions are:

    • Running: to indicate when the operation is actually running
    • Completed: to indicate when the operation has completed successfully
    • Failed: to indicate when the operation has failed
    majorVersionUpgrade object The results of a major version upgrade
    minorVersionUpgrade object The results of a minor version upgrade
    opRetries integer The number of retries performed by the operation
    opStarted string The ISO 8601 timestamp of when the operation started running
    restart object The results of a restart
    securityUpgrade object The results of a security upgrade


    ↩ Parent

    The results of the benchmark

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    pgbench object The results of the pgbench benchmark
    sampling object The results of the sampling benchmark


    ↩ Parent

    The results of the pgbench benchmark

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    hdrHistogram string Compressed and base 64 encoded HdrHistogram
    latency object The latency results of the pgbench benchmark
    scaleFactor number The scale factor used to run pgbench (--scale).
    statements []object Average per-statement latency (execution time from the perspective of the client) of each command after the benchmark finishes
    transactionsPerSecond object All the transactions per second results of the pgbench benchmark
    transactionsProcessed integer The number of transactions processed.

    ↩ Parent

    The latency results of the pgbench benchmark

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    average object Average latency of transactions
    standardDeviation object The latency standard deviation of transactions.

    ↩ Parent

    Average latency of transactions

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    unit string The latency measure unit
    value number The latency average value

    ↩ Parent

    The latency standard deviation of transactions.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    unit string The latency measure unit
    value number The latency standard deviation value

    ↩ Parent

    Average per-statement latency (execution time from the perspective of the client) of a command after the benchmark finishes

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    command string The command
    latency number Average latency of the command
    script integer The script index (0 if no custom scripts have been defined)
    unit string The average latency measure unit

    ↩ Parent

    All the transactions per second results of the pgbench benchmark

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    excludingConnectionsEstablishing object Number of Transactions Per Second (tps) excluding connection establishing.
    includingConnectionsEstablishing object Number of Transactions Per Second (tps) including connection establishing.
    overTime object The Transactions Per Second (tps) values aggregated over unit of time

    ↩ Parent

    Number of Transactions Per Second (tps) excluding connection establishing.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    unit string Transactions Per Second (tps) measure unit
    value number The Transactions Per Second (tps) excluding connections establishing value

    ↩ Parent

    Number of Transactions Per Second (tps) including connection establishing.

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    unit string Transactions Per Second (tps) measure unit
    value number The Transactions Per Second (tps) including connections establishing value

    ↩ Parent

    The Transactions Per Second (tps) values aggregated over unit of time

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    intervalDuration number The interval duration used to aggregate the transactions per second.
    intervalDurationUnit string The interval duration measure unit
    values []number The Transactions Per Second (tps) values aggregated over unit of time
    valuesUnit string The Transactions Per Second (tps) measures unit


    ↩ Parent

    The results of the sampling benchmark

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    queries []object The queries sampled.
    topQueries []object The top queries sampled with the stats from pg_stat_statements. If is omitted if omitTopQueriesInStatus is set to true.

    ↩ Parent

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    id string The query id of the representative statement calculated by Postgres
    query string A sampled SQL query
    timestamp string The sampled query timestamp

    ↩ Parent

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    id string The query id of the representative statement calculated by Postgres
    stats map[string]string stats collected by the top queries query


    ↩ Parent

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    lastTransitionTime string Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
    message string A human-readable message indicating details about the transition.
    reason string The reason for the condition last transition.
    status string Status of the condition, one of True, False or Unknown.
    type string Type of deployment condition.


    ↩ Parent

    The results of a major version upgrade

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    failure string A failure message (when available)
    initialInstances []string The instances present when the operation started
    pendingToRestartInstances []string The instances that are pending to be restarted
    phase string The phase the operation is or was executing)
    primaryInstance string The primary instance when the operation started
    restartedInstances []string The instances that have been restarted
    sourcePostgresVersion string The postgres version currently used by the primary instance
    targetPostgresVersion string The postgres version that the cluster will be upgraded to


    ↩ Parent

    The results of a minor version upgrade

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    failure string A failure message (when available)
    initialInstances []string The instances present when the operation started
    pendingToRestartInstances []string The instances that are pending to be restarted
    primaryInstance string The primary instance when the operation started
    restartedInstances []string The instances that have been restarted
    sourcePostgresVersion string The postgres version currently used by the primary instance
    switchoverFinalized string An ISO 8601 date indicating if and when the switchover finalized
    switchoverInitiated string An ISO 8601 date indicating if and when the switchover initiated
    targetPostgresVersion string The postgres version that the cluster will be upgraded (or downgraded) to


    ↩ Parent

    The results of a restart

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    failure string A failure message (when available)
    initialInstances []string The instances present when the operation started
    pendingToRestartInstances []string The instances that are pending to be restarted
    primaryInstance string The primary instance when the operation started
    restartedInstances []string The instances that have been restarted
    switchoverFinalized string An ISO 8601 date indicating if and when the switchover finalized
    switchoverInitiated string An ISO 8601 date indicating if and when the switchover initiated


    ↩ Parent

    The results of a security upgrade

    May Require Restart

    Workaround for hugo bug not rendering first table row

    failure string A failure message (when available)
    initialInstances []string The instances present when the operation started
    pendingToRestartInstances []string The instances that are pending to be restarted
    primaryInstance string The primary instance when the operation started
    restartedInstances []string The instances that have been restarted
    switchoverFinalized string An ISO 8601 date indicating if and when the switchover finalized
    switchoverInitiated string An ISO 8601 date indicating if and when the switchover initiated