The SGPostgresConfig
custom resource represents the PostgreSQL configuration.
Have a look at to help you tune and optimize your PostgreSQL configuration.
Kind: SGPostgresConfig
listKind: SGPostgresConfigList
plural: sgpgconfigs
singular: sgpgconfig
Property |
Required | Updatable | Type |
Default | Description |
postgresVersion | string | 12 |
The major Postgres version the configuration is for. Postgres major versions contain one number starting with version 10 ( Note that Postgres maintains full compatibility across minor versions, and hence a configuration for a given major version will work for any minor version of that same major version. Check StackGres component versions to see the Postgres versions supported by this version of StackGres. |
postgresql.conf | ✓ | object | see below |
postgresql.conf parameters the configuration contains, represented as an object where the keys are valid names for the postgresql.conf configuration file parameters of the given postgresVersion . You may check as a reference on how to tune and find the valid parameters for a given major version. |
These are the default values of the postgresql.conf
listen_addresses: localhost
superuser_reserved_connections: 8
max_prepared_transactions: 32
work_mem: 10MB
maintenance_work_mem: 2GB
huge_pages: off
fsync: on
checkpoint_completion_target: 0.9
checkpoint_timeout: 15min
min_wal_size: 1GB
max_wal_size: 2GB
max_wal_senders: 20
wal_keep_segments: 96 # postgres > 13
# wal_keep_size=1536MB # postgres <= 13
archive_mode: on
archive_command: /bin/true
wal_log_hints: on
wal_compression: on
wal_level: logical
max_replication_slots: 20
hot_standby: on
default_statistics_target: 200
random_page_cost: 1.5
enable_partitionwise_aggregate: on
enable_partitionwise_join: on
max_locks_per_transaction: 128
max_pred_locks_per_transaction: 128
autovacuum_max_workers: 3
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay: 2
autovacuum_work_mem: 512MB
logging_collector: off
lc_messages: C
log_destination: stderr
log_directory: log
log_filename: postgres-%M.log
log_rotation_age: 30min
log_rotation_size: 0kB
log_truncate_on_rotation: on
log_min_duration_statement: 1000
log_checkpoints: on
log_connections: on
log_disconnections: on
log_lock_waits: on
log_temp_files: 0
log_autovacuum_min_duration: 0ms
log_line_prefix: %t [%p]: db=%d,user=%u,app=%a,client=%h
log_statement: none
track_activity_query_size: 4096
track_functions: pl
track_io_timing: on
track_commit_timestamp: on
shared_preload_libraries: pg_stat_statements, auto_explain
pg_stat_statements.track_utility: off
# see
jit_inline_above_cost: -1
kind: SGPostgresConfig
name: postgresconf
postgresVersion: "11"
password_encryption: 'scram-sha-256'
random_page_cost: '1.5'
shared_buffers: '256MB'
wal_compression: 'on'
To guarantee a functional Postgres configuration, some parameters specified in Postgres configuration documentation have been denylisted and cannot be changed from the provided defaults. If these parameters are specified in the CR configuration, an error will be returned. The denylisted parameters are:
Denylisted Parameters |
listen_addresses |
port |
hot_standby |
fsync |
logging_collector |
log_destination |
log_directory |
log_filename |
log_rotation_age |
log_rotation_size |
log_truncate_on_rotation |
wal_level |
track_commit_timestamp |
wal_log_hints |
archive_mode |
archive_command |
lc_messages |
wal_compression |
dynamic_library_path |