
OCI Object Storage Setup

This section shows how to configure backups on StackGres using OCI Object Storage. You will need to have the OCI-CLI installed, to create the required permissions and the bucket on OCI Object Storage.

Create the required permissions and the user with following characteristics (that you may change):

  • Bucket name: backup-demo-of-stackgres-io
  • IAM User Group: stackgres-backup-group
  • IAM Policy: stackgres-backup-policy
  • IAM username: stackgres-demo-k8s-user
  • Secret Credentials: oci-backup-bucket-secret

Create the stackgres-demo-k8s-user user:

oci iam user create --name stackgres-demo-k8s-user --description 'StackGres backup user'

Create the group that the user will be a part of, which will have access to the bucket:

oci iam group create --name stackgres-backup-group --description 'StackGres backup group'

Add the user to the group:

oci iam group add-user \
 --group-id $( oci iam group list --name stackgres-backup-group --query data[0].id --raw-output) \
 --user-id $(oci iam user list --name stackgres-demo-k8s-user --query data[0].id --raw-output)

OCI Object Storage is compatible with AWS S3. You need to find out the S3 compartment ID:

export s3compartment_id=$(oci os ns get-metadata --query 'data."default-s3-compartment-id"' --raw-output)

Create the bucket inside the compartment that has S3 compatibility.

oci os bucket create \
 --compartment-id $s3compartment_id \
 --name backup-demo-of-stackgres-io

Create a policy to allow the created group to use the bucket:

  oci iam policy create \
  --compartment-id $s3compartment_id \
  --name stackfres-backup-policy \
  --description 'Policy to use the bucket for StackGres backups' \
  --statements '["Allow group stackgres-backup-group to use bucket on compartment id '$s3compartment_id' where target.bucket.name = '/''backup-demo-of-stackgres-io'/''"]'

Now we need to create the access key that is used for the backup creation. The following creates a key and saves it to a file access_key.json:

oci iam customer-secret-key create \
 --display-name oci-backup-bucket-secret \
 --user-id $(oci iam user list --name stackgres-demo-k8s-user --query data[0].id --raw-output) \
 --raw-output \
 | tee access_key.json

Create the full endpoint URL that will be used in the sgobjectstorage-backupconfig1.yaml file below.

echo 'https://'$(oci os ns get --query data --raw-output)'.compat.objectstorage.'$(oci iam region-subscription list | jq -r '.data[0]."region-name"')'.oraclecloud.com'

Kubernetes Setup

Create a Kubernetes secret with the following contents:

kubectl create secret generic oke-backup-bucket-secret \
 --from-literal="accessKeyId=<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_HERE>" \

Having the credential secret created, we now need to create the object storage configuration and to set the backup configuration. The object storage configuration it is governed by the SGObjectStorage CRD. This CRD allows to specify the object storage technology, required parameters, as well as a reference to the credentials secret.

Create a file sgobjectstorage-backupconfig1.yaml with your endpoint and region:

apiVersion: stackgres.io/v1beta1
kind: SGObjectStorage
  name: backup-config-stackgres-demo
  type: s3Compatible
    bucket: backup-demo-of-stackgres-io
    endpoint: https://<Your-Tenancy-Namespace>.compat.objectstorage.<Your-OCI-Region>.oraclecloud.com
    region: <Your-OCI-Region>
          name: oke-backup-bucket-secret
          key: accessKeyId
          name: oke-backup-bucket-secret
          key: secretAccessKey

and deploy it to Kubernetes:

kubectl apply -f sgobjectstorage-backupconfig1.yaml

The backup configuration can be set under the section .spec.configurations.backups of the SGCluster CRD. Here we define the retention window for the automated backups and when base backups are performed. Additionally, you can define performance-related configuration of the backup process.

An example cluster configuration looks as follows:

apiVersion: stackgres.io/v1
kind: SGCluster
# [...]
    - sgObjectStorage: backupconfig1
      cronSchedule: '*/5 * * * *'
      retention: 6

For this tutorial, backups are created every 5 minutes. Change the .spec.backups[0].cronSchedule parameter according to your own needs.

The above configuration will be applied when the SGCluster resource is created.