Key |
Type |
Default |
Description |
---|---|---|---| | string | "stackgres/admin-ui" |
Web Console image name |
adminui.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Web Console image pull policy |
adminui.image.tag | string | "main-1.15" |
Web Console image tag |
adminui.resources | object | {} |
Web Console resources. See |
adminui.service.exposeHTTP | bool | false |
When set to true the HTTP port will be exposed in the Web Console Service |
adminui.service.loadBalancerIP | string | nil |
LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field. This feature depends on whether the underlying cloud-provider supports specifying the loadBalancerIP when a load balancer is created. This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the feature. |
adminui.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | array | nil |
If specified and supported by the platform, this will restrict traffic through the cloud-provider load-balancer will be restricted to the specified client IPs. This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the feature. More info: |
adminui.service.nodePort | integer | nil |
The HTTPS port used to expose the Service on Kubernetes nodes |
adminui.service.nodePortHTTP | integer | nil |
The HTTP port used to expose the Service on Kubernetes nodes |
adminui.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
The type used for the service of the UI: * Set to LoadBalancer to create a load balancer (if supported by the kubernetes cluster) to allow connect from Internet to the UI. Note that enabling this feature will probably incurr in some fee that depend on the host of the kubernetes cluster (for example this is true for EKS, GKE and AKS). * Set to NodePort to expose admin UI from kubernetes nodes. |
allowedNamespaces | list | [] |
Section to configure Operator allowed namespaces that the operator is allowed to use. If empty all namespaces will be allowed (default). |
authentication.createAdminSecret | boolean | true |
When true will create the secret used to store the admin user credentials to access the UI. |
authentication.oidc | string | nil |
authentication.password | string | nil |
The admin password that will be required to access the UI |
authentication.type | string | "jwt" |
Specify the authentication mechanism to use. By default is jwt , see If set to oidc then see |
authentication.user | string | "admin" |
The admin username that will be required to access the UI |
cert.autoapprove | bool | true |
If set to true the CertificateSigningRequest used to generate the certificate used by Webhooks will be approved by the Operator Installation Job. |
cert.certDuration | integer | 730 |
The duration in days of the generated certificate for the Operator after which it will expire and be regenerated. If not specified it will be set to 730 (2 years) by default. |
cert.certManager.autoConfigure | bool | false |
When set to true then Issuer and Certificate for Operator and Web Console / REST API Pods will be generated |
cert.certManager.duration | string | "2160h" |
The requested duration (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificates. See |
cert.certManager.encoding | string | "PKCS1" |
The private key cryptography standards (PKCS) encoding for this certificate’s private key to be encoded in. See |
cert.certManager.renewBefore | string | "360h" |
How long before the currently issued certificate’s expiry cert-manager should renew the certificate. See |
cert.certManager.size | int | 2048 |
Size is the key bit size of the corresponding private key for this certificate. See |
cert.createForCollector | bool | true |
When set to true the OpenTelemetry Collector certificate will be created. |
cert.createForOperator | bool | true |
When set to true the Operator certificate will be created. |
cert.createForWebApi | bool | true |
When set to true the Web Console / REST API certificate will be created. |
cert.crt | string | nil |
The Operator Webhooks certificate issued by Kubernetes cluster CA. |
cert.jwtRsaKey | string | nil |
The private RSA key used to generate JWTs used in REST API authentication. |
cert.jwtRsaPub | string | nil |
The public RSA key used to verify JWTs used in REST API authentication. |
cert.key | string | nil |
The private RSA key used to create the Operator Webhooks certificate issued by the Kubernetes cluster CA. |
cert.regenerateCert | bool | true |
When set to true the Operator certificates will be regenerated if createForOperator is set to true , and the certificate is expired or invalid. |
cert.regenerateWebCert | bool | true |
When set to true the Web Console / REST API certificates will be regenerated if createForWebApi is set to true , and the certificate is expired or invalid. |
cert.regenerateWebRsa | bool | true |
When set to true the Web Console / REST API RSA key pair will be regenerated if createForWebApi is set to true , and the certificate is expired or invalid. |
cert.secretName | string | nil |
The Secret name with the Operator Webhooks certificate issued by the Kubernetes cluster CA of type See |
cert.webCertDuration | integer | nil |
The duration in days of the generated certificate for the Web Console / REST API after which it will expire and be regenerated. If not specified it will be set to 730 (2 years) by default. |
cert.webCrt | string | nil |
The Web Console / REST API certificate |
cert.webKey | string | nil |
The private RSA key used to create the Web Console / REST API certificate |
cert.webRsaDuration | integer | nil |
The duration in days of the generated RSA key pair for the Web Console / REST API after which it will expire and be regenerated. If not specified it will be set to 730 (2 years) by default. |
cert.webSecretName | string | nil |
The Secret name with the Web Console / REST API certificate of type See |
collector.affinity | object | {} |
OpenTelemetry Collector Pod affinity |
collector.annotations | object | {} |
OpenTelemetry Collector Pod annotations. See |
collector.config.exporters.otlp.endpoint | string | "stackgres-collector:4317" |
collector.config.exporters.otlp.tls.ca_file | string | "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt" |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.enable_open_metrics | bool | false |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.endpoint | string | "" |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.metric_expiration | string | "180m" |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.resource_to_telemetry_conversion.enabled | bool | false |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.send_timestamps | bool | true |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.tls.ca_file | string | "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt" |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.tls.cert_file | string | "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt" |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.tls.key_file | string | "/etc/operator/certs/tls.key" |
collector.config.exporters.prometheus.tls.reload_interval | string | "10m" |
collector.config.processors | object | {} |
collector.config.receivers.otlp.protocols.grpc.endpoint | string | "" |
collector.config.receivers.otlp.protocols.grpc.tls.ca_file | string | "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt" |
collector.config.receivers.otlp.protocols.grpc.tls.cert_file | string | "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt" |
collector.config.receivers.otlp.protocols.grpc.tls.key_file | string | "/etc/operator/certs/tls.key" |
collector.config.service.extensions | list | [] |
collector.config.service.pipelines.metrics.exporters[0] | string | "prometheus" |
collector.config.service.pipelines.metrics.processors | list | [] |
collector.config.service.pipelines.metrics.receivers[0] | string | "prometheus" |
| | string | "stackgres-collector" |
OpenTelemetry Collector Deployment/DeamonSet base name |
collector.nodeSelector | object | {} |
OpenTelemetry Collector Pod node slector |
collector.ports[0].containerPort | int | 9464 |
collector.ports[0].name | string | "prom-http" |
collector.ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" |
collector.prometheusOperator.allowDiscovery | bool | true |
If set to false or monitors is set automatic bind to Prometheus created using the Prometheus Operator will be disabled. If disabled the cluster will not be binded to Prometheus automatically and will require manual configuration. Will be ignored if monitors is set |
collector.prometheusOperator.monitors | string | nil |
collector.receivers.deployments | string | nil |
collector.receivers.enabled | bool | false |
When true the OpenTelemetry Collector receivers will be enabled |
collector.receivers.exporters | int | 1 |
Allow to increase the number of OpenTelemetry Collector exporters if receivers is enabled |
collector.resources | object | {} |
OpenTelemetry Collector Pod resources. See |
collector.service.annotations | object | {} |
OpenTelemetry Collector Service annotations |
collector.service.spec.ports[0].name | string | "prom-http" |
collector.service.spec.ports[0].port | int | 9464 |
collector.service.spec.ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" |
collector.service.spec.ports[0].targetPort | string | "prom-http" |
collector.service.spec.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
collector.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
OpenTelemetry Collector ServiceAccount annotations |
collector.tolerations | list | [] |
OpenTelemetry Collector Pod tolerations. See |
collector.volumeMounts | list | [] |
collector.volumes | list | [] |
containerRegistry | string | "" |
The container registry host (and port) where the images will be pulled from. |
deploy.collector | bool | true |
When set to true the OpenTelemetry Collector will be deployed. |
deploy.operator | bool | true |
When set to true the Operator will be deployed. |
deploy.restapi | bool | true |
When set to true the Web Console / REST API will be deployed. |
developer.allowPullExtensionsFromImageRepository | bool | false |
If set to true and extensions.cache.enabled is also true it will try to download extensions from images (experimental) |
developer.disableArbitraryUser | bool | false |
It set to true disable arbitrary user that is set for OpenShift clusters |
developer.enableJvmDebug | bool | false |
Only work with JVM version and allow connect on port 8000 of operator Pod with jdb or similar |
developer.enableJvmDebugSuspend | bool | false |
Only work with JVM version and if enableJvmDebug is true suspend the JVM until a debugger session is started |
developer.externalOperatorIp | string | nil |
Set the external Operator IP |
developer.externalOperatorPort | integer | nil |
Set the external Operator port |
developer.externalRestApiIp | string | nil |
Set the external REST API IP |
developer.externalRestApiPort | integer | nil |
Set the external REST API port |
developer.logLevel | string | nil |
Set quarkus.log.level . See |
developer.patches.adminui.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Pod’s container volume mounts. See |
developer.patches.adminui.volumes | list | [] |
Pod volumes. See |
developer.patches.clusterController.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Pod’s container volume mounts. See |
developer.patches.clusterController.volumes | list | [] |
Pod volumes. See | | list | [] |
Pod’s container volume mounts. See | | list | [] |
Pod volumes. See |
developer.patches.operator.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Pod’s container volume mounts. See |
developer.patches.operator.volumes | list | [] |
Pod volumes. See |
developer.patches.restapi.volumeMounts | list | [] |
Pod’s container volume mounts. See |
developer.patches.restapi.volumes | list | [] |
Pod volumes. See |
developer.showDebug | bool | false |
If set to true add extra debug to any script controlled by the reconciliation cycle of the operator configuration |
developer.showStackTraces | bool | false |
Set quarkus.log.console.format to %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c{4.}] (%t) %s%e%n . See |
developer.version | string | nil |
Set the operator version (used for testing) |
extensions.cache.enabled | bool | false |
When set to true enable the extensions cache. This feature is in beta and may cause failures, please use with caution and report any error to |
extensions.cache.hostPath | string | nil |
If set, will use a host path volume with the specified path for the extensions cache instead of a PersistentVolume |
extensions.cache.persistentVolume.size | string | "1Gi" |
The PersistentVolume size for the extensions cache Only use whole numbers (e.g. not 1e6) and K/Ki/M/Mi/G/Gi as units |
extensions.cache.persistentVolume.storageClass | string | nil |
If defined set storage class If set to “-” (equivalent to storageClass: "" in a PV spec) disables dynamic provisioning If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClass spec is set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on GKE, AWS & OpenStack) |
extensions.cache.preloadedExtensions | list | ["x86_64/linux/timescaledb-1\\.7\\.4-pg12"] |
An array of extensions pattern used to pre-loaded estensions into the extensions cache |
extensions.repositoryUrls | list | [""] |
A list of extensions repository URLs used to retrieve extensions To set a proxy for extensions repository add parameter proxyUrl to the URL:<proxy scheme>%3A%2F%2F<proxy host>[%3A<proxy port>] (URL encoded) Other URL parameters are: * skipHostnameVerification : set it to true in order to use a server or a proxy with a self signed certificate * retry : set it to <max retriex>[:<sleep before next retry>] in order to retry a request on failure * setHttpScheme : set it to true in order to force using HTTP scheme |
grafana.autoEmbed | bool | false |
When set to true embed automatically Grafana into the Web Console by creating the StackGres dashboards and the read-only role used to read it from the Web Console |
grafana.dashboardConfigMap | string | nil |
The ConfigMap name with the dashboard JSONs that will be created in Grafana. If not set the default StackGres dashboards will be created. (used to embed automatically Grafana) |
grafana.datasourceName | string | "Prometheus" |
The datasource name used to create the StackGres Dashboards into Grafana |
grafana.password | string | "prom-operator" |
The password to access Grafana. By default prom-operator (the default in for kube-prometheus-stack helm chart). (used to embed automatically Grafana) |
grafana.schema | string | "http" |
The schema to access Grafana. By default http. (used to embed manually and automatically grafana) |
grafana.secretName | string | nil |
The name of secret with credentials to access Grafana. (used to embed automatically Grafana, alternative to use user and password ) |
grafana.secretNamespace | string | nil |
The namespace of secret with credentials to access Grafana. (used to embed automatically Grafana, alternative to use user and password ) |
grafana.secretPasswordKey | string | nil |
The key of secret with password used to access Grafana. (used to embed automatically Grafana, alternative to use user and password ) |
grafana.secretUserKey | string | nil |
The key of secret with username used to access Grafana. (used to embed automatically Grafana, alternative to use user and password ) |
grafana.token | string | nil |
The Grafana API token to access the PostgreSQL dashboards created in Grafana (used to embed manually Grafana) |
grafana.urls | array | nil |
The URLs of the PostgreSQL dashboards created in Grafana (used to embed manually Grafana). It must contain an entry for each JSON file under grafana-dashboards folder: archiving.json , connection-pooling.json , current-activity.json , db-info.json , db-objects.json , db-os.json , queries.json and replication.json |
grafana.user | string | "admin" |
The username to access Grafana. By default admin. (used to embed automatically Grafana) |
grafana.webHost | string | nil |
The service host name to access grafana (used to embed manually and automatically Grafana). The parameter value should point to the grafana service following the DNS reference svc_name.namespace |
imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy used for images loaded by the Operator |
jobs.affinity | object | {} |
Operator Installation Jobs affinity. See |
jobs.annotations | object | {} |
Operator Installation Jobs annotations | | string | "stackgres/jobs" |
Operator Installation Jobs image name |
jobs.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Operator Installation Jobs image pull policy |
jobs.image.tag | string | "main-1.15-jvm" |
Operator Installation Jobs image tag |
jobs.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Operator Installation Jobs node selector |
jobs.resources | object | {} |
Operator Installation Jobs resources. See |
jobs.tolerations | list | [] |
Operator Installation Jobs tolerations. See |
operator.affinity | object | {} |
Operator Pod affinity. See |
operator.annotations | object | {} |
Operator Pod annotations | | string | "stackgres/operator" |
Operator image name |
operator.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Operator image pull policy |
operator.image.tag | string | "main-1.15-jvm" |
Operator image tag |
operator.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Operator Pod node selector |
operator.resources | object | {} |
Operator Pod resources. See |
operator.service.annotations | object | {} |
Section to configure Operator Service annotations |
operator.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Section to configure Operator ServiceAccount annotations |
operator.serviceAccount.repoCredentials | list | [] |
Repositories credentials Secret names to attach to ServiceAccounts and Pods |
operator.tolerations | list | [] |
Operator Pod tolerations. See |
rbac.create | bool | true |
When set to true the admin user is assigned the cluster-admin ClusterRole by creating ClusterRoleBinding. |
restapi.affinity | object | {} |
REST API Pod affinity. See |
restapi.annotations | object | {} |
REST API Pod annotations | | string | "stackgres/restapi" |
REST API image name |
restapi.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
REST API image pull policy |
restapi.image.tag | string | "main-1.15-jvm" |
REST API image tag | | string | "stackgres-restapi" |
REST API Deployment name |
restapi.nodeSelector | object | {} |
REST API Pod node selector |
restapi.resources | object | {} |
REST API Pod resources. See |
restapi.service.annotations | object | {} |
REST API Service annotations |
restapi.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
REST API ServiceAccount annotations |
restapi.serviceAccount.repoCredentials | list | [] |
Repositories credentials Secret names to attach to ServiceAccounts and Pods |
restapi.tolerations | list | [] |
REST API Pod tolerations. See |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Section to configure Operator ServiceAccount annotations |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
If true the Operator Installation ServiceAccount will be created |
serviceAccount.repoCredentials | list | [] |
Repositories credentials Secret names to attach to ServiceAccounts and Pods |
specFields | list | ["containerRegistry","imagePullPolicy","imagePullSecrets","allowedNamespaces","allowedNamespaceLabelSelector","disableClusterRole","allowImpersonationForRestApi","disableCrdsAndWebhooksUpdate","sgConfigNamespace","serviceAccount","operator","restapi","adminui","collector","jobs","deploy","cert","rbac","authentication","prometheus","grafana","extensions","shardingSphere","developer"] |
The list of fields that are serialized into the spec of SGConfig |
Helm values will be mapped with the spec
section of SGConfig.